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May we know our center.  May we come back into balance with each other, with the earth,​​

 with all our relations. 

May all be well. May all be one. Om  Maa.  


Whether you wish to access higher guidance via a spiritual reading or read my trance state blog/research on the divine feminine...

I invite you to join me on a jour​ney of becoming

  a journey that calls us to 'follow the energy,' follow desire, follow our bliss. This journey has taken me across cultures and spiritual practices and from social justice to feminist liberatory praxis.

It also calls for a return to center again and again, as we seek to reconcile the beauty and the challenge of the earth plane - a paradox that exists all around us, and not the least within :)


Mari Ziolkowski, Ph.D.

Author, Fierce Shakti/Fierce Love



Doctorate in Women's Spirituality, MSW level counselor, author, meditator, nature mystic, Goddess devotee, student of African Traditional Religions. 


I enjoyed watching how many of us found our voices during your group as we explored the ancient divine feminine...We were able to re-balance the innate intuitive female energy with the more rational male energy within us... We taught each other, meditated and chanted, laughed and cried, while opening to new inner trust not often experienced at the school. With magnificent images of the Mother from all over the world - we were able to grasp the reverence in which she was once held... I grew into a deeper understanding and a renewed felt-sense of the feminine power.

-PhD graduate from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology



Follow me on FB:  Sparkle Goddess Spiritual Readings

 and YouTube:

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